Man stabs close friend to death over N12,000

By Valerie Oyibo-Itie
It was a sad scenario at Amukpe, Sapele as a young man stabbed his close friend to death over argument on sharing formulae of N12,000 won at a gambling bet.
It was gathered that the friends won the said amount at a gambling bet and at the point of sharing the money, argument ensued which led to fighting.
The man then stabbed his friend twice with broken bottle on the rib region which led to his death.
As the stabbed man fights for his life, symphatisers took him to James Hospital at Amukpe but the hospital authorities turned down treatment because of the serious nature of the injury. He was then taken to City Hospital at Okirigbaga, Sapele where he died.
As the news of his death filtered into the ears of eyes witnesses, angry mob descended on the man that did the stabbing, beating him mercilessly until he was handed over to the police.
A source at the police station confirmed the arrest and said investigation was ongoing.
All efforts to get the names of the principal actors as at the time of this report proved abortive as the deceased was only identified by his nick name “G. Time”.
It was also gathered that his wife put to birth three days ago.