CORONATION: Eze Aro Team Replies Kanu Nwa Kanu, Others Over Online TV Interview

The Coronation Social Media Response Team of His Eminence, Eze Dr Eberechukwu Oji, the Eze Aro of Arochukwu Kingdom (COSOMET) has stated categorically that Mazi Kanu Nwa Kanu is the one who brought woes upon his own head, and should stop looking for someone to blame.
According to COSOMET in a Public Notice, Kanu Nwa Kanu who served as a traditional ruler in Arochukwu, using the instruments of government, have continued to abuse the same laws that protected his tenure in power.
The statement, made available to the media, is reproduced below –
The attention of COSOMET of Eze Aro Coronation Celebration has been drawn to a video clip circulating in the social media that featured Mazi Kanu Nwa Kanu railing and fear-mongering with the aim to deceive the public and dissuade them from attending Eze Aro Coronation celebration coming up between 25 and 28 July, 2024 atArochukwu Civic Centre Oro, Arochukwu.
2.COSOMET wishes to assure the public that the propaganda consistently dished out by Mazi Kanu Nwa Kanu and his cohorts arrived when the train of the celebration had already left the station and therefore will have no impact whatsoever on the success of the celebration.
3. COSOMET uses this medium to respectfully remind Mazi Kanu Nwa Kanu that his consistent gas-lighting of Nzuko Aro on his travails with Government that led to his dethronement was misplaced. ‘He who does not know where the rain started beating him will never know where and when it stopped’ so said Chinua Achebe in his famous novel, ‘Things fall Apart’.
4. It is a matter of public knowledge that Mazi Kanu Nwa Kanu’s travail with government was self-inflicted given that, thrice he was advised by government to retrace his steps and seek redress through proper legal and administrative channels, thrice he rebuffed and snubbed government out of ignorance of the constitutional and legal rights of government in traditional leadership matters in Abia State. The Irony of it all was that Mazi Kanu Nwa Kanu himself, before he was dethroned, was staffed and certified by government based on the same legal instruments he so remorselessly derides today.
5. Again, thrice, he was invited to present his case to the Judicial Panel of Inquiry on the matter which was an opportunity for him to take full advantage of fair-hearing granted him by the constitution, thrice he snubbed the Judicial Panel of Inquiry, again out of ignorance of the fact that a Judicial Panel of Inquiry is almost like a court of law.
Now, he ignorantly believes that continuous touting of falsehood on sources of his travails will turn it into abiding truth. Our sympathy goes to our Prince who allows himself to be led by the noose by people whose transactional interest in Aro Kingdom traditional leadership continually blind their sense of judgement and patriotism.
6. Curiously, he claims to be in court and yet goes about committing sub-judicial infractions by granting interviewsand making statements capable of jeopardizing his case out of stark ignorance borne out of sense of entitlement and impunity. The consequences of his actions, if not completely ignored by all will exert a heavy toll on the community in terms of peace and development.
7. With due respect, Mazi Kanu Nwa Kanu should realize that he represents a bridge to the past and not to the future of Aro Kingdom. He believes that by forcefully and un-empathically plucking-off the feathers of a live chicken in idol worship will appease his unknown gods to go after innocent people and exonerate himself who champions the subversion of laid down traditional processes and customs of selecting an Eze in Aro Kingdom. He should be reminded that his approach to traditional leadership belongs to no known Aro history and therefore, his actions are unfit for purpose in 21st century Aro which we all desire, and clearly represented by His Eminence, Dr. Eberechukwu Oji, Eze Aro of Arochukwu Ancient Kingdom.
The public should simply IGNORE him.