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How to Apply God’s Healing Power



By Bakpo Efemena

In the beginning, God created man to Walk in dominion over sickness and diseases. He placed man in control of all things. God commanded every thing he made to be under man’s feet, including challenges.

God authorized humans to be in charge of things and situation on earth. When a person believes in God, his/ her becomes ordained to work in dominion over all things.

However, believers have to make the choice of walking in faith so as to exercise their dominion over infirmities. It also means choosing the way you want things to be.

It is possible to live a life free from afflictions through the implementation of the dominion power He gives believers at redemption. Again, it can only work based on faith. I John 5:4, Ps 8:4-6.

Divine health is one of the plan and purpose of God for His Children on Earth. Sickness is not God’s will but of the devil. Ecclesiastes 3:11 .

So also it is with deformity. Not all are of God. Some are from the devil to corrupt God’s beauty. There are people that have never slept on a hospital bed . A sickness free life is possible. The enemy uses afflictions to fight God’s ordained destiny. Isaiah 33:24

How To Live Without Sickness
1. One of the weapon a believer uses to operate in dominion over sickness and diseases is the word of God. Ps 107-20. Matthew 4:23.

God’s word has capacity to heal all manner of disease. Any sickness that encounters the word of God disappears. His word knows no boundaries. It heals all. Matt 9:31

A believer has to Live in the light of Gods word on a daily basis. The word of God is a defense over afflictions. It is the principal facilitator of healing, wholeness. and health. Prov. 4:22. It is God’s prescription for our health. It is needed to enjoy our provision of Good health.

The word transmit divine nature of God to humans . It has never been recorded that God was sick. A person can reflect this when he reflects the word of God. Ps 95:4. People can live the life of God on earth by dwelling on the word of God.

There is a prevailing power in the word that can swallow sicknesses near us. A believer’s life becomes immune against sickness and diseases when he has the word of God. It is also a weapon on instant healing. Matthew 8:8.

2. Rebuke the spirit behind the sickness. There is a spirit behind all sickness and diseases . Sickness is an operation of the devil. Do not fight physically but spiritually. Whenever a person feels any symptoms of a sickness, first rebuke it spiritually. The spirit of fear is behind diverse sickness and diseases

3. The weapon of love and sound mind can be used to fight sickness. Do not live in fear. The spirit of fear is behind diverse sickness and diseases Fear has a spirit of torment. Decide not to live a life of fear. It opens the door for afflictions.

4. One can also overcome sickness by anointing daily anointing in the morning.

Receive Christ today so that you can walk in God’s divine health.

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